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July 2024

04.07.2024: BreakING: Closing Event

The second round of the "BreakING" mentoring program came to an end on 1 July 2024. This time, the mentees took the lead and organized a closing event including a homemade buffet and program.

03.07.2024: Concrete Canoe Regatta 2024

In a project seminar held by the Chair of Construction Materials, students from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering designed and built their own concrete canoes, which they used to take part in this year's concrete canoe regatta in Brandenburg.

02.07.2024: Using Synergy Potentials: New Leadership at the Chair of Building Materials Technology

Prof. Iurie Curosu became aware of the vacancy for a professorship at the Ruhr University Bochum thanks to a tip from a friend. Since April, the scientist from the Republic of Moldova, who completed his doctorate at TU Dresden, has held the Chair of Building Materials Technology. In this interview, he explains what motivates him personally and what he would like to focus on at the chair.

June 2024

26.06.2024: Election results: Student elections to the Faculty Council and the Senate

The online elections for the new term of office (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025) of the student group took place from June 17 to 19, 2024. You can find the election results here.

26.06.2024: Project Office Annual Report 2023

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Project Office (PBU) offers students of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering a comprehensive range of support services. All of last year's PBU activities were published in an annual report and can now be viewed.

25.06.2024: A Breath of Fresh Air at the Chair of Mechanics of Materials: Interview with Prof. Johanna Waimann

Something is happening at the Faculty: several new professorships were filled this spring - a small generational change that is taking place more or less silently.

Reason enough to take a closer look at who will be at the helm of one or the other chair in the future, what new directions can be expected in terms of content and who the people behind the title are. We start with Prof. Johanna Waimann, who has held the Chair of Mechanics - Materials Theory since March and as such succeeds Prof. Klaus Hackl.

21.06.2024: Construction catalog for timber extensions

In the joint project “Timber in the addition of storeys - evaluation and implementation of timber in additions”, the Ruhr University Bochum and the Technical University of Braunschweig, together with other project partners, have drawn up a construction catalog with relevant structural and design requirements for additions in timber.

17.06.2024: Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC) Workshop and Summer School at RUB Makerspace

Organized by the Chair of Computing in Engineering, the event "Linked Data in Architecture and Construction" (LDAC) took place last week in the RUB Makerspace as a combined format of workshop and summer school.

12.06.2024: Honorary Professorship Awarded to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Wehrmeyer, Herrenknecht AG

For his achievements in teaching as well as his professional and scientific merits, the Ruhr University Bochum awarded Mr. Gerhard Wehrmeyer the title of Honorary Professor yesterday, 12th June 2024.

11.06.2024: Symposium on Vortex-Induced Vibrations on Wind Turbine Support Structure (VIV) on June 6th - 7th, 2024

Between 6th and 7th June 2024 the Symposium on Vortex-Induced Vibrations on Wind Turbine Support Structure (VIV) took place at the Mining Museum in Bochum.