In the television programme "KlimaZeit", produced by Hessischer Rundfunk and Südwestrundfunk, Prof.'in Dr.-Ing. Annette Hafner, Head of the Chair for Resource Efficient Building, answers questions on the topic of wood as a sustainable building material.
What has to happen in the building sector to be able to build climate-friendly quickly? What hurdles are currently impeding the use of wood as a building material in the mass market? Presenter Tobias Koch, together with Prof.'in Hafner, classifies the current situation in an interview with experts.
"KlimaZeit" is the first weekly ARD climate programme and offers background information, involves experts with regard to new research results, questions political decisions and offers examples for consumers, companies and municipalities to counteract climate developments.
The interview with Prof.'in Hafner starts at 6:26 minutes.
In the television programme "KlimaZeit", produced by Hessischer Rundfunk and Südwestrundfunk, Prof.'in Dr.-Ing. Annette Hafner, Head of the Chair for Resource Efficient Building, answers questions on the topic of wood as a sustainable building material.
What has to happen in the building sector to be able to build climate-friendly quickly? What hurdles are currently impeding the use of wood as a building material in the mass market? Presenter Tobias Koch, together with Prof.'in Hafner, classifies the current situation in an interview with experts.
"KlimaZeit" is the first weekly ARD climate programme and offers background information, involves experts with regard to new research results, questions political decisions and offers examples for consumers, companies and municipalities to counteract climate developments.
The interview with Prof.'in Hafner starts at 6:26 minutes.
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