Today, women are still underrepresented in engineering - a situation that is challenging for many female career starters despite their very good qualifications. There is usually a lack of opportunities to exchange ideas with other female engineers and to learn and benefit from the experiences of others. With "Breaking the Glass Ceiling - early installation of professional networks for female engineers", the Faculty is launching a mentoring program that will enable female students at the Faculty to engage in this necessary exchange at an early stage and help prospective female engineers to be better prepared for starting their careers in the form of a structured, integral program.

What is mentoring?

The participants of the program (mentees) are accompanied by experienced female professionals in higher positions and alumnae, the mentors, for about 9 months. Topics that concern them and/or that they would like to work on can be discussed openly. At the same time, the mentees have the opportunity to network with each other and exchange ideas on an equal footing with regard to their professional development (peer mentoring).

In addition, the BreakING team organizes fireside evenings for the participants, during which they can get to know female managers from professional practice, especially from typical "male industries". Experts help the female students in coaching sessions to promote their personal development in specific areas and provide support. The diagram provides a compact overview of the program:

  • You are a student of a master's program (BI, UI, CE and SE) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • You have at least two semesters left to complete your master's degree
  • For interested female bachelor students of the above-mentioned study programs, participation in BreakING is also possible by arrangement
  • You are willing to participate in the events regularly and to get involved personally

If you are interested in participating in the mentoring program, we only need the following information from you by June 30, 2024 to (please use your RUB address):

  • Your full name
  • Course of study
  • Number of semesters
  • 2-3 sentences in which you answer the question "Why do I want to participate in a mentoring program?"


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the project team at

Why BreakING pays off

"I would participate again at any time. The team organised meetings with a mixture of reports on experiences, motivational coaching to individual counselling during the group meetings with a mentor. I leave this programme with a bag filled to the brim with educational experiences, a view of new professional opportunities, the ability to think outside the box and with one or two professional tips at my fingertips. These help me to face the challenges of a male-dominated industry with confidence."

Maja Mendera, mentee

"Being able to share is an important and very useful quality, not only for chocolate cake. At BreakING, this arrow points in both directions: Mentors and mentees benefit from each other's questions and answers. As a mentor, I recommend open-heartedly, give tips, formulate demands, also question things sometimes and give encouragement. And I am surprised, challenged, asked, and also mirrored by the mentees. We search and learn together, which is great."

Bettina Hellenkamp, mentor


With the Lore Agnes projects, the RUB Rectorate has been funding innovative equality measures at RUB every year since 2015. BreakING is also funded under the Lore Agnes program and is pleased to receive the support.


Standort Kontakt 2

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Faculty for Civil- and Environmental Engineering

Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Britta Schösser

Dr.-Ing. Britta Schößer
Project Leader BreakING

IC 6/125
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 / 32 - 26313

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Decentralized Equal Opportunity Office


For Students
